Healthy Product Connections That Convert

Revill Apps maximizes word-of-mouth marketing for any businesses in a hyper-local neighborhood platform. Get the strategy you need to achieve your product marketing goals and connect with new customers.

Your neighbors are already looking for healthy products & services

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Neighbors are pet parents

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Neighbors are busy

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Neighbors love their lifestyle

Powerful features & revenue tools for any budget and busy schedules

Word-of-mouth marketing builds trusted connections that develop into long-term loyal relationships. Who’s helping you establish those ties? Get your existing customers actively sharing local recommendations. 

Business & Services Pages

Help locals get to know your business and the businesses in your community App. Connect instantly with neighbors and build your reputation.

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Employee & customer profiles

Employees have their own profiles and separate administrator functions, communications and more.. Safe communication with potential and existing customers.

Turn on the ChatR™

ChatR™ gets your existing customers talking to potential customers and generating sales. Promote a referral program and watch your sales grow.

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Supplier and service provider profiles

Your community can have unlimited profiles types. Company staff and customers will appreciate the extended services offered in your community.

Community News & Posts

Share customer photos, local industry news and updates about new innovations in your specific line of business. Build trust and grow your network of customers.

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Build your network and reach new customers by showcasing your expertise and a commitment to your community.

Looking for large-scale, national reach? We have the tools for you, too.

Fill out the form and get started. Pricing is available at all levels of users. Save on developement costs, It’s all ready in 3 weeks.

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