*Sample from MyPetsWelcome App

Community Guidelines

We are glad you are here

We’ve created these Guidelines to define the values of your pet-friendly community. You’re connected by a common interest – your pet-friendly neighborhood. Let’s build a strong community together.

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1. Be respectful to your neighbors with pets

You’re speaking to your real neighbors. Strong communities are built on strong relationships.

2. Do not discriminate

We do not tolerate racism, hateful language, or discrimination of any kind.

3. Discuss important topics in the right place

We have policies and dedicated spaces for important non-local topics, such as national politics.

4. Use your true identity

MyPetsWelcome is built on trust — we want everyone to know they’re communicating with their real pet-friendly neighbor, and therefore require you to use your true identification.

5. Do not engage in harmful activity

We prohibit any activity that could hurt someone, from physical harm to scams.

You, our neighbors who make up MyPetsWelcome, play a key role in neighborhood moderation by reporting content or neighbors that violate these Guidelines. Please remember that disagreeing with a post is not a reason to report it. This slows down our ability to remove content that is truly abusive and to create a platform where everyone feels MyPetsWelcome.

Enjoy your pet-friendly community

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